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Community Groups at Coastline Church

Friendship Club

Who For?

For everyone!


Every Friday from 11.30am – 1.30pm. We alternate the venue between the cafe at Coastline Community Church in Pittenweem and the Community Hall in Crail.


Everyone is invited to enjoy a free bowl of soup, a cuppa and a blether with others in the community.

Craft Group

Who For?

All are welcome!


Every Tuesday at 2.00pm


Open to all with an interest in practical skills such as knitting/sewing/artwork etc. The work can involve group or personal projects, and there are always copious amounts of chat, teas/coffees etc.

Monday Music Group

Who For?

Anyone interested in playing or singing all kinds of music, regardless of experience/ability.


The Music Group is currently on a break until further notice.


New or continuation of lessons tailored to individual or group progress or requirements. Want to try it? Just turn up – no instruments needed at this stage.
Intending to keep attending? Better to have your own instrument. Don’t buy one without getting advice first! We can help with that.

Music Club

Group Links

CCC hosts a number of other local groups. The groups and their contact links are:

Pittenweem Community Library: [email protected]

Probus Club: [email protected]

Pilates: [email protected]