About Us….
Who Are We?
Coastline Community Church is a lively, friendly group of Christians from the East Neuk of Fife. Coming from all kinds of backgrounds, we desire to show God’s love to each other and our local community. Our philosophy is firstly to provide a strong and vibrant spiritual home for our Christian fellowship, and secondly to offer an attractive and versatile facility for community groups to conduct their activities.
In 1999 Anstruther Baptist Church and Pittenweem Baptist Church came together as East Neuk Baptist Fellowship and began the process of selling off the two sets of old church premises, and acquiring a site for a new building which was finally built and opened in August 2013 at 21 Session Street in Pittenweem. Now established as Coastline Community Church SCIO, we have seen a steady growth in our congregation, are now well-known and a much appreciated community facility that is regularly used by several local organisations. We are members of the Baptist Union of Scotland and Evangelical Alliance.
What We Believe
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Our mission statement is taken from the Bible, from Matthew 28: verse 19. It says that we want to make disciples. To be a disciple means to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, to be devoted to Jesus and to see a life changed by the grace of God. To that end we will go and tell what God has done, so that His word may convict hearts and minds to consider the good news of Jesus.
Our mission statement comes from the Bible. We believe it to be the unerring, inspired word of God, which He has given for us. It guides our lives and practices.
The Bible tells us about the world, how it was made and how sin entered it. It also tells us that to be forgiven for our sins, we need a saviour. God sent one to us in the person of His son, Jesus. Jesus is God, manifest in flesh. He was without sin but took upon Himself the sin of the world. He made an atonement for it by dying and then defeating death, rising back to life and ultimately back to heaven. By putting our trust in Him, our sins can be forgiven.
The Bible also tells us that when we do trust Jesus and make Him the Lord of our lives, he comes and lives within us. He does this in the person of the Holy Spirit. He transforms us and makes us new, in Him.
Who We Support
Missionary Partners:
Pastor Ion, Radna Baptist Church, Romania
Ian & Andrea Froments, Spain. (via BMS)